C Trail Central New York’s latest eco-tourism, campground and trail experience The trail is located between Ithaca and Auburn in “the middle of nowhere.” Sometimes, nowhere is exactly where you have the most relaxing and memorable experiences. The trail cohabits with the working land of the Lonsky’s, a family with over 40 years of history […]
East Cayuga Lake is developing it’s unique tourism identity. The area and its residents are genuine, rugged and inspirational. Justification Marketing analysis included from the Noonmark report (https://www.tourcayuga.com/partners/) Overnight travel to the region as leisure visits focused on general relaxation, winery visits, family and friend visits, as well as shopping and romantic getaways. Other major […]
1. Pow-Wow: RV-compatible space with full amenities. Electrical power provided by solar array. Other hookups. Space can accommodate multiple vehicles. Waste handled by septic facility. 2. Homestead: Campground near pond within view of manor. Small footpath to manor for bathroom/spa, exercise, etc. 3. Glacier Hills: Between two hills, the campground is secluded but in a […]
A. Restrooms: Solar-heated shower water. Septic drains down hill. Think eco-innovative such as bio-char as additional filtration of effluvium. B. Footpath: One route to manor. This is a connection to main facilities: spa/restrooms, exercise room, dining, office, etc. C. Composting Toilet: Outhouse. Gender neutral. No shower facility. D. Woods Trail: Quarter-mile (manicured). Off-path experiences. Some […]
– Solar-charging station(s). Solar-charged path lights for minimal guidance at night. – Concierge service. Reach front desk via smartphone (web page/app). What are activities in the area? (East Cayuga wineries or special event off-site or on-site for “first-night” experience.) – Technology-enabled. Wi-fi coverage at all campgrounds. Availability/reservations via website. Phone calls are welcome and support […]
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